Thursday, November 5, 2009

Final Research video


Images used in video:

Research Question:

Which workflow is more efficient in modelling and texturing?

The main focus for this research task is based on the comparison of both 3ds max and solidworks. I will be comparing how efficient both software programs are when modelling by creating a simple box to cutting certain shapes.

The visual techniques ill be using for this research includes captions, footage comparing both workflows side by side to end of with a conclusion.

Final model Submission

Crysis map:

3DS Town Hall Station model:

Final EXP2 Video


My intial idea for my installation was to focus on the concept of space and movement. My installation required alot of still and moving objects blocking many entrances and exits in the station. Commuters naturally take the shortest way to get to their destination quicker, thus i created a more challenging ways for the player to navigate throughout the station from one end to the other. The idea was that mother nature took on its course and destroyed parts of the station which led to objects blocking exits and entrances. I wanted to challenge the player to strategically navigate through the model to its final destination. As part of my installation I added a particle effect to adjust with the theme, it greatly challenged the way the player navigated throughout the station as it moved objects around and affected the players thought of getting to the destination quicker. Continuing with the theme, I had installed alot of objects that took alot of space through the platforms in the lower level, this relates to how so many commuters take public trains during dawn.

With observation I have come to a conclusion where most players went straight to the escalators and elavators, before finding out that all of them were blocked out, it is to the extent that in a situation like this they are more likely to find any way out as long as they reach there destination point. Although, it took them time to realise that even taking the stairs may seem the longest way but its the safest way to getting the the end.

Progression of Town Hall Model


Modelling town hall station through solids was a difficult task and very time consuming. There were many problems I had faced whilst using this program which included inserting objects into its basic structure. So, I had to find another way to re-model the station that would be much easier. Applying my textures to my model became one of the main issues of my model. I had issues with textures not being able to show when exporting to Crysis and there numerous times where I had to redo the textures.

Solidworks via 3ds Max

Navigating through Town Hall Model through Crysis

I had given the opportunity to get people to test out my map and navigate through my model. I had also recorded the number of minutes it takes them to get to one destination the other:

Player one: 3:16 minutes
Player two: 3:00 minutes
Player three: 4:01 minutes

By analysing their strategy, managed to to get to the lower level quicker then I thought. I found that 1/3 went straight to the escalator and elevators before finding out that lifts were not operating and were blocked off.